Saturday, April 11, 2009

Wigmore Folies 2009 was a smash hit!!

The show went off without a hitch this year - both nights. And attendance was through the roof.

Here's a link to one of our best numbers, "Irrefutable":

Some background information: the song spoofs our 2 most conservative professors, McGinnis and Calabresi. At this point in the plot, the Northwestern culture we know and love has been derailed. Two students kidnapped, various student groups accusing each other of despicable acts, and (duhn duhn duhn) the right-wing professors are "players." In this number my friend Jennifer Ervin sins an adaptation of a Beyonce song. The words are hard to understand, especially if you are unfamiliar with legalese, so I've pasted the lyrics below:

SONG: “Irrefutable” (Federalist Society Girl)

(“Irreplaceable” by Beyonce)

On the right

On the right

On the right

On the right

Mmmn on the right, on the right

All the ladies dreaming bout teachers on the right

They used to be constitution nerds

But now they’re so hot I’m lost for words.

Steve, there’s nothing I would not give

My heart’s unitary executive and

Your classroom’s an idea lab

Should we take a stab at a right wing power grab

Standing in the classroom making liberals look like fools

They wanna curb the executive power in Article 2

But I’m not listening

I know that you’re gonna read

Each Amendment textually

Who needs privacy or penumbras?

Sure not either of you fellas, baby

I know that you’re gonna read

Each Amendment textually

(Just) like the brief John Yoo submitted

When you can pick and choose “original” meanings, you’re irrefutable.

John, you’re gonna be mine

With glasses and a wrist brace so fine

Sign my copy of the Federalist

You blow my mind I want to blow you a kiss

You even know Ken Starr

Imagine the fun we’d have with a cigar.

C’mon don’t tease

Shower me with your expertise

Standing in the classroom making liberals look like fools.

They think you can believe in Roe and Lochner, too

They’re so twisted.

I know that you’re gonna read

Each amendment textually

So if abortion rights aren’t given, it ain’t because you don’t like women, baby

I know that you’re gonna read

Each amendment textually

(Just) like Scalia did in Heller

When you can pick and choose “original” meanings, you’re irrefutable

On the right

On the right

1 comment:

courtney said...

you know i love this song. are you in la yet?