Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Lawyer lawyerson

Where to start? I accepted a summer internship at a firm in Los Angeles last October (was it that long ago?), got accepted to the Fall 2009 study abroad program in Amsterdam, put on the Wigmore Follies (see earlier post), finished my second year of law school, tearfully put Oscar up at a friend's for the summer and fall, moved to Los Angeles, worked my butt off at my internship (or rather worked instead of worked-out and so grew my ass to a record size), and now I'm preparing to move to Amsterdam.

Holy crap! that was fast. It probably took you longer to read this than for me to actually do it all. What a summer. I worked so hard that I can hardly remember any of it. And just like that, it's over.

Just 2 days left at my internship. Will I get an offer? Well, the economy is shite as we all know, so I try not to get my hopes up. But that's not going to stop me from running away to NL for the next 4 months and living it up. If anything, the hellishness of all of this has only made me more eager for the opportunity.

I kept meaning to take a trip to the Bay Area, to the friends for which I started this blog. And now it's too late. Do you forgive me? Are you even still reading? I wouldn't blame you if you've washed your hands of me. This lawyer business has caused some serious casualties in my life.

On a totally unrelated note. I have become certifiably obsessed with Sons of Anarchy. Discovered it last week. Have since watched the entire first season three times through and eagerly await the second season. You'll have to watch to understand why. I think the show has ruined any hope that I might have had of finding and loving an actual person, since I am head over heels for a fictitious one:

I'm serious. I have regressed into a simpering teenager. Actually, it isn't even a regression, since this is a total first for me.

Dear diary,

I love Jax Teller. I love his tattoos. I love his
thugishness. His heart of gold, scruffy blonde beard, and his complete impossibility.

- Erica

P.s. Don't judge me! It's been a very rough summer. A gal needs someone to dream about now and then...


Anonymous said...

I'm still reading!! I hope you keep writing, you are a truly gifted writer. Miss you!

See Mack Snow said...

Still reading.