Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Prodigal blogger

My apologies reader, I left the blogosphere behind when I moved to Vegas for the summer.

Summer re-cap: Vegas is hot, flat, dusty, hot, and windy (dust in your eye kind of wind). The externship is a challenge and I am getting paid in buckets of shiny knowledge ( would be nice). There's not much to do here except watch movies, eat, and shop.

Remember how much I hated Chicago in the winter? I vowed that no matter how pretty Chicago is in the spring, nothing could make me love a place that gets that cold.

I take it back. I miss miss miss Chicago. Vegas makes for a wonderful foil against which Chicago shines bright and happy. I've decided that Chicago inspires insomnia in its residents. It's so beautiful in the spring and summer that they forget the pain of winter.

Oscar update: His belleh fur is growing back, slowly but surely. He's like a wee kitten again. Mom's cat, Bow Tie, is Oscar's polar opposite - solid black and thin to Oscar's solid white and obese. After 2 weeks the kittens stopped growling and decided to tolerate each other. After another week they were wrestling and grooming each other like little kitten lovers. Occasionally the fun gets out of hand and someone gets hurt, but usually it's Oscar beating the stuffing out of Bow Tie. Boys will be boys.

I fly back to Chi-town on the 4th. Hurrah!! Back to my little apartment with its yellow walls and my delicious bed. Mmmm. Distance makes the heart grow fonder.

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