Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The 8th day of Chrismas

12 hours - the final final beings (Torts)

15 hours - First semester of law school, check.

35 hours - on a plane to Seattle, or else waiting with crowds of discontent holiday travelers at Midway


courtney said...

and where are you now, miss erica?

CherylB said...

So-how are my purses? Are you showing them the town?

Me? I wore the pretty earrings that you made me in exchange for the "saddle bag" purse. It's rather nice to be able to wear such pretty things to school. Someday things will go back to being more formal but they sure are fun until that time!

Oh, and yes-on the topic of things all FUSHIA-I did indeed buy a shirt that color AND one of my necklaces that you thought was kind of crazy (but seemed to be in a good way)has that same "never out of style" hue in it.