And the BestBuy, hereby referred to as WorstBuy or WB, fiasco conclusion:
About 5 minutes after sending the very e-mail featured in this blog, I received an e-mail from WorstBuy informing me that my re-ordered printer was in fact back ordered and would not ship for 2 to 3 weeks.
So I threw in the towel, ordered the same model for slightly less from Circuit City (and if they don't beat WB in customer service I'm going to personally launch an on-line customer bill of rights campaign that will sweep the nation and completely reform the way these H-ers do business (yes Courtney, it has caught on in Chicago...or at leas it has caught on with me and I now reside in Chicago, but am confident that it will spread like wildfire).
Thinking I had closed this nasty chapter I affixed the return label included in the package, a label that had been twice confirmed by WB reps as a UPS label. I proceeded downstairs to meet my UPS driver (the guy is here promptly each day between 12:45 and 1:15) who informed me that he could not accept the package. The post man was also in the foyer, he looked at the label and said it was US mail but had to be taken in person to the Post Office.
What fresh H-crap was this? Did I not order on-line because my mobility is limited to my 2 feet or else the CTA bus? Does it not make sense that on-line WB orders include a UPS, FedEx, or DSL label for convenient return? In fact, this has been my experience with all on-line returns until now.
This ensued another volley of phone calls, e-mails, hair pulling, and mouth frothing. To no avail. They were stolid on their refusal to offer me any convenient means of getting rid of the accursed printer.
So I took a length of rope I had used the week previous to tie my armchair to the roof of my rental car, and I lashed the hunk of junk to my rolling backpack. I donned my galoshes and set out into the rain that had been pouring for 3 days straight. I dragged that piece of H a little over a mile where I was met with a 25 minute line at customer service. They need to rename customer service to Hell!!!!!!
At last I was free. But they won. I still had to physically go to WorstBuy. So the whole on-line arm chair "convenience" blew up in my face and WorstBuy had the last laugh.
Really, I hate them.
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excellent use of the "h." i'm pretty sure it's going to be the next "gosh!"
H, man--those H H'ers! I can't H'ing believe that H.
Chicago--you're welcome.
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